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Renal Cell Carcinoma
Tumor Grading Protocols


Fuhrman et al (1982) - Graded by most malignant feature even if only focal
    1 - Small, round uniform nuclei with inconspicuous or absent nucleoli
    2 - Larger nuclei with irregular outline and small nucleoli present
    3 - Larger nuclei with irregular outline and prominent nucleoli
    4 - Grade 3 features with bizarre, multinucleated cells, with or without spindle cells

Skinner et al (1971) - No evaluation of histologic pattern
    I    - Nuclei indistinguishable from normal tubular cells
    II   - Nuclei only slightly larger than normal tubular cells; nuclear outline slightly irregular
    III  - Nuclei moderately enlarged, pleomorphic and with irregular outline
    IV   - Occasional common bizarre, giant nuclei present

Arner er al (1965)
    I    - Highly differentiated tumors, sharply demarcated from surrounding tissue
    IIA - Moderately differentiated tumors, locally well circumscribed, but not necessarily
            provided with capsule
    IIB - Moderately differentiated tumors poorly circumscribed but not diffusely infiltrating
            and / or markedly polymorphous
    III - Poorly differentiated, markedly polymorphous tumor, which are diffusely infiltrating
            tumors with abundant growth in capillaries.



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Last modified: 03/05/06